Fatherhood, ah Yes, "becoming a Dad" maybe even for the first time is a daunting experience for you and brings along a whole array of emotions. Especially becoming a Step Dad is a road paved with mixed blessing and we are going to explore a few of these here. WARNING read on.....
WOW,I'm A Brand New Dad
• Am I going to cope with a newborn?
• Why am I feeling a bit left out?
• Having a baby is great, but what about me?
" HI, I'm Your Step Dad"
• Am I going to get along with my partners kids?
• Will the kid's accept and respect me
• How do I "keep them in line"
These and many more questions will be explored in the New and exciting e-book about becoming a father "Dad's All-Purpose Guide To Parenting". Taking on the responsibility of caring for children is never an easy task and "going in" totally unprepared is insane. Being a responsible parent doesn't come easy and you can't assume that your partner know all about it, so that you don't have too. Being a father is all about accepting the responsibility and admitting that you need some help and guidance, so...
For starters, it may well be of benefit to you to understand what personalities you are dealing with and how these interact with yours. Many new fathers make this mistake, and thereby isolating themselves from one or more children under the excuse that "we just don't get along". Remember when dealing with kid's, you can't "blame" them, for not getting along with "you"! Why? Because children always want to be loved and if you don't understand how to make them love you, then you are forgetting your own childhood and need to learn a few new things about being a father.
Furthermore after reading this important information, you will feel much more secure and in control. You will be able to see the task for what it is, a pleasurable opportunity to make yourself a whole bunch of new little friends and maybe even actually feel loved yourself, perhaps also for the first time in your life.
Being entrusted with Fatherhood is an awesome experience whether it be for a little new baby or the beautiful kids of someone else. Nothing compares in this world to the feeling you get when a "little" one looks you in the eyes and says "Dad, I Love You"
So Dad to be', allow me tell you like it is, because this is an opportunity too good to miss, "get rid of your ego, stop thinking that you are a "natural" at this, and read the e-Book! Prevention is so much better than the cure hence planning a strategy for the future is much better that trying to solve the mistakes you've made.